Volunteer for a Staff Position!

Staff members are the backbone that makes the convention run smoothly for all attendees. We have a lot of fun working together, planning together, and making friends, but we're also very serious about showing attendees (your future friends too) a good time. Staff members also get some benefits to help make being staff easier:
- Free premium admission to the convention.
- Get free con swag like t-shirts for staff, as available.
- Have some more opportunities to meet our special guests, as available.
- We often have an industry lounge with snacks like bagels or fruit for staff, as available.
- After party with your fellow convention staff and sometimes some of the guests.
- First in line privileges to main events.
- Gain experience working behind the scenes at the convention, which can create resume experience or build references.

Shared Responsibilities
All staff have some basic shared responsibilities that they should remember.
- Be proactive and communicate regularly. Staff members must talk to their department heads and division leaders monthly. Staff are encouraged to ask questions, and to seek help if they're having trouble.
- Be responsible. Show up for the times you selected a few minutes early. Reply to your emails regularly. Inform department leaders when you have to miss something or are ill.
- Talk to us. If personal issues come up and you can't be on staff anymore, let us know immediately. It's far easier for us to find replacements the earlier we know.
Staff in a nutshell.
Being on staff requires communication before the con, and some focus at the con. It's fun, but we are depending on you.
Being on staff requires communication before the con, and some focus at the con. It's fun, but we are depending on you.
Continue to annual staff training >