
sgtcatnip @sgtcatnip
sgtcatnip @sgtcatnip
This is my first year getting a hotel for a convention and the Hyatt charges $30 a NIGHT for parking?!?!?! I called them to ask and they confirmed that even for guests its $30. I am NOT paying $60 for damn parking!
I know there's another parking garage across the street from the hyatt and I think that one is $13 for like 12 hours or something?
I'm wondering if anyone else has better parking options for hotel stays?

animes0ul @animes0ul
commented on
animes0ul @animes0ul
I'm not very familiar with parking, but did you mention that you're with Anime Midwest? You can get a discount according to the AMW website.
This is what the page says:
"For those taking transit, the hotel is right near a train stop. We also have a discounted parking rate of $15/day for those driving (only for Hyatt guests).
There is a one car limit per guestroom on parking at the Hyatt, please make sure your name is on your hotel room. If you are staying elsewhere there are two parking garages connected to the Convention Center and they are $13/day."
Link to the page:
It doesn't say how to get the discount, but I would assume you just tell your hotel that you're with the Anime Midwest convention and that they said there was a discount with them.

sgtcatnip @sgtcatnip
commented on
sgtcatnip @sgtcatnip
Thank you ^^
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