Space Available at the Hyatt

thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
Space Available at the Hyatt
thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
Hello everyone, I currently have a reservation at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare for Anime Midwest. The room is a double bed room and it's just me at the moment, so I still have space for 3 more people. If you are still in need of a room for the convention feel free to reply or PM me.
I hope to hear from you soon.

vanevidivici @vanevidivici
commented on
Space Available at the Hyatt
vanevidivici @vanevidivici
hi, I need a room for me and a friend! What's the price?

thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
commented on
Space Available at the Hyatt
thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
Hello and thanks for the reply. The price per person will be 95 dollars.

vanevidivici @vanevidivici
commented on
Space Available at the Hyatt
vanevidivici @vanevidivici
Okay, if I bring someone else (so 3 people), would the price be lower?

vanevidivici @vanevidivici
commented on
Space Available at the Hyatt
vanevidivici @vanevidivici
oh also, what day is check out?

thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
commented on
Space Available at the Hyatt
thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
Hello, yes, a third person would bring the price down to 75 per person. The reservation is for 2 nights starting on Friday and checkout is on Sunday.

vanevidivici @vanevidivici
commented on
Space Available at the Hyatt
vanevidivici @vanevidivici
What time is the check in on Friday?

thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
commented on
Space Available at the Hyatt
thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
Hello, check in time is at 3pm on Friday and checkout time is at 12pm on Sunday.

yolopotato @yolopotato
commented on
Space Available at the Hyatt
yolopotato @yolopotato
Hi I'm looking for a room for the weekend, do you still have a space left?

thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
commented on
Space Available at the Hyatt
thebeatenpath @thebeatenpath24
I'm waiting to hear back from the above poster. If I don't hear back from them tommorow, then I will let you know in case you are still interested.
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