Looking for Hyatt reservation/open roommate spot

SonnyMoore @sonnymoore
Looking for Hyatt reservation/open roommate spot
SonnyMoore @sonnymoore
Send me a PM if you're looking for roommate at the Hyatt, or if you're interested in selling your reservation all together!

Michi @elle2105
commented on
Looking for Hyatt reservation/open roommate spot
Michi @elle2105
How do you sell a room? I have a reservation for Friday and Saturday at the Hyatt but I am going to cancel Friday.

madara0727 @madara0727
commented on
Looking for Hyatt reservation/open roommate spot
madara0727 @madara0727
Hello there I'm also looking roomshare, sonnyMoore will you be interested in sharing the price room, split equally based on the number of people in the room?

DarkPearl @doublecontralto
commented on
Looking for Hyatt reservation/open roommate spot
DarkPearl @doublecontralto
I ended up with a double room at the Hyatt (all that was available when I booked) and don't have a roommate yet. PM me if you're interested...

ttglape74 @ttglape74
commented on
Looking for Hyatt reservation/open roommate spot
ttglape74 @ttglape74
I'm looking for a roommate or roommates for saturday and sunday. I'm at the hyatt. Pm me for details
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