river137 @river137
river137 @river137
Not sure what section to ask this but I am seeing meet-ups for lots of animes but nothing yet for photoshoots or are meet-ups also photoshoots? Is anime midwest not doing any of that or have they not posted the times yet? New to this convention so I'm just curious! I'm a photographer and I'd love to take some amazing pics :D.
animes0ul @animes0ul
commented on
animes0ul @animes0ul
I'm hosting a photoshoot for Steven Universe but I just called it a meet-up. I didn't think people would mind if I called it that since 1) at the time I wasn't sure if the meet-up would just be people hanging out or if it would be a photoshoot and 2) I figured people would be interested regardless of if it was a photoshoot or a meet-up. Though now that I think about it, maybe I should specify...?
I can't really say for others so that's my story.
This will also be my first time at this con, so I'm not sure how they run things. I do know that I ended up listing my event on an unofficial page because I lost contact with a staff member I was asking about scheduling an official meet-up.
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
They do have photoshoots, those are under the meetups on the schedule. So basically if you see to the far right of the schedule grid various fandoms having meetups throughout the weekend. Those are considered photoshoot time slots.
Typically these are arranged for out by the loading docks just outside the Hyatt (you'll find groups there all through out the weekend). Sometimes these are moved to the fountain area, or inside the convention lobby if it rains.
If you want you may email me at with any questions. I am not staff, but this is my 4th year attending and my favorite convention, so I try and be helpful!
I will find a map and highlight the areas if that will help too. Just let me know
river137 @river137
commented on
river137 @river137
If you do have a map for this that would be fantastic! Never been to chicago and only smaller cons so I just dont want to miss it :)
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
This shows some of the main areas. The Loading Docks and by the fountain under the convention center overhang is the two popular spots for meet-ups and photoshoots.
If you want better images of some of these areas you may visit where I have some of these locations pictured.
I will be running the Charity Food Drive all day Friday so feel free to come find me and I can direct you or even help show you personally where these areas are!
As always don't be afraid to come ask me anything, or stop a staff member for help.
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