Fire Emblem Cosplayers!

skittytail @skittytail
Fire Emblem Cosplayers!
skittytail @skittytail
Who here is planning to cosplay any Fire Emblem characters for midwest?? I'm going to be Setsuna, and a good number of my friends will also be cosplaying FE folks!! And since there isn't an official meetup yet, we could maybe do a meetup/photoshoot on Saturday or Sunday!

darktsubasa @darktsubasa
commented on
Fire Emblem Cosplayers!
darktsubasa @darktsubasa
Hey there! I'll be bringing my Fem Avatar cosplay for the weekend, along with a Magic the Gathering cosplay. I may only wear the FE one on Friday, sadly - it'll depend on how quickly I can switch between cosplays. Please let me know if you're planning on doing a photoshoot after all! :)
EDIT: Just saw the official meetup is tomorrow from 4-5pm! I'll do my best to be there~
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