Free FOOD?

May 27, 16 at 4:52pm
Hi, This is my first time going to Anime Midwest. Is it true? Free food?! How does one get this?! What do you guys do when you attend Anime Midwest! Please tell me about your adventures :) Thank you for replying.
May 27, 16 at 6:27pm
There's free food at Anime Midwest all weekend. There's free rice and instant cup Ramen (and last year there was oatmeal too), they also provide condiments like soy sauce, sriracha, ranch powder etc... You NEED a badge to get into the food lines, which can get kinda long in the middle of the day, but after lunchtime it settles down. They give everyone one bowl of rice and you can go back for more once you're done. The nice thing about the food lines is that it's open late Friday and Saturday nights until like 1am I think so you can get food even when you come back from dances/raves.
May 30, 16 at 5:50pm
is it true that you need to have a room in order to get consweet? Obviously it's understandable that you'd need a badge but my friend and I are driving back and forth every day since we can't afford a room and while we wouldn't want to eat that stuff all weekend it would be nice to at least stop once or twice during the weekend so we don't have to pack so many meals to bring with.
Jun 01, 16 at 6:18pm
You don't need to have a hotel room to get free food at the con. All you need is a badge.
Jun 01, 16 at 7:47pm
Ah, okay! I'd heard otherwise so thanks for clearing that up!
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