Want to form a meet-up/photoshoot?

Want to form a meet-up or photoshoot for your fandom? Every year AM lists some official meet-ups and photoshoots, but often times unofficial ones go down and you won't hear about it until after the fact. DON'T MISS OUT! I compile a list of known unofficial events/meet-ups/photoshoots for Anime Midwest here, run by fans of the fandoms and cosplayers alike: http://amunofficialevents.webs.com/ If you are considering doing a meet-up/photoshoot or unofficial event please see the page and consider adding it to the list so others know it's happening.
Hello. I submitted the TG meet up on your website but there was a schedule change and now they do have an official TG meet up so we no longer are planning on hosting the unofficial one...is there a way to delete it? Sorry about the trouble U~U;;
@cottoncandystar the Tokyo Ghoul one? I will remove it once I hear from you once more. Just say I have the correct one and it shall be removed!
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