Formal Ball Time

narutofreak13 @narutofreak13
Formal Ball Time
narutofreak13 @narutofreak13
Is it possible to have the formal ball at a different time from the Steam Powered Giraffe Concert? I love SPG and I love going to the formal ball. Last year I had to choose between the ball and the SPG concert. I'm sure other SPG fans would like to go to the formal ball since a lot of steam punk outfits are considered formal wear. I'm sue others had to make that tough choice last year as well. Concerts also tend to run late so it would be awesome if they had no possibility of over lapping.

narutofreak13 @narutofreak13
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Formal Ball Time
narutofreak13 @narutofreak13
This is in regards to Anime Midwest in July. I forgot to mention which convention in Chicago.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Formal Ball Time
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Last year SPG had two concerts, one Friday and one Saturday, so you had two different days and times to attend. Unsure what the schedule looks like yet, as this is usually released in June.
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