Steven Universe Meetup/Photoshoot anyone?

animes0ul @animes0ul
Steven Universe Meetup/Photoshoot anyone?
animes0ul @animes0ul
EDIT (5/18/16): This is now an unofficial gathering! Check the Unofficial events page or the link below for more info!
(Original post)
Hey guys! I'm planning on submitting a day/time for an unofficial SU meetup at Anime Midwest this year, but first I need to know what day works best! I haven't heard much about SU cosplayers this year but I assume there will be quite a few. I myself am planning on cosplaying Ruby and my friend would be my Sapphire. If anyone is interested it'd be helpful if you could comment and/or take this poll!:
You don't have to be a cosplayer to join us! It's open to all fans! Also, if you could specify in the comments here if you would prefer to have a photoshoot or just a meetup (or both?), that would be great too!
If I don't get enough feedback I will probably just schedule a meetup for friday or saturday afternoon :3
Also this is my first year at midwest but I'm familiar with the convention center/hotel from my previous years attending ACen, so if you have an idea of where we should meet that'd be swell if you could mention that too! I look forward to seeing everyone!
Edit: heres another strawpoll you can take to let me know what you expect from this gathering (i.e. a photoshoot, just a meetup, etc.):

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
Steven Universe Meetup/Photoshoot anyone?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
I've heard of several cosplayers attending this year from the SU fandom (:
Good luck with your meetup! If you would like me to list it on the unofficial events webpage let me know, it might help others be aware it's happening. I also share the unofficial meet ups and photoshoots on the facebook group closer to con.

animes0ul @animes0ul
commented on
Steven Universe Meetup/Photoshoot anyone?
animes0ul @animes0ul
That would be great!! As soon as I figure it out Ill be sure to do that :3

animes0ul @animes0ul
commented on
Steven Universe Meetup/Photoshoot anyone?
animes0ul @animes0ul
Not sure if anyone still looks at this thread but from the few votes on the strawpoll it looks like the best time for a meetup is very divided, but a majority of votes were saying sometime late saturday evening. I want to get it scheduled asap (possibly officially scheduled if i can), so please please please!!! Spread the word to any friends who might be interested or please contact me or contribute to the poll if that's not a time that works for you!!!

hafizzle @hafizzle
commented on
Steven Universe Meetup/Photoshoot anyone?
hafizzle @hafizzle
Is this still going down?

animes0ul @animes0ul
commented on
Steven Universe Meetup/Photoshoot anyone?
animes0ul @animes0ul
There won't be any unofficial SU meetups but there are official ones running this weekend. Since there are official ones set up now I decided to cancel the unofficial one
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