AOT Panel Members Needed!

Jujuchanx @babylungsx
AOT Panel Members Needed!
Jujuchanx @babylungsx
Hello. First off, thank you for opening this. <3 There will be an attack on titan panel and we need some members! So far we have a Hanji, Levi, Eren, Mikasa, And Shasha. But we NEED a Marco, Jean, Petra, Erwin, And Armin. If you cosplay an AOT member and I havent mentioned them please please still respond to this and we can add you. Thank you for your time! ~

cosplay_girl @cosplay_girl
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AOT Panel Members Needed!
cosplay_girl @cosplay_girl
Hey, when will you be holding this panel? im not available on Friday but i can try for any other day. lol. Who do you need?

cosplay_girl @cosplay_girl
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AOT Panel Members Needed!
cosplay_girl @cosplay_girl
Can the Armin have a 'Everyday" look, or just be without the straps???

Jujuchanx @babylungsx
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AOT Panel Members Needed!
Jujuchanx @babylungsx
We are not 100% sure what day it will be on yet. We will let you know when we find out. An everyday look or without straps is fine with us. We would love to have you as our Armin! If you have further questions or more information Dm me on Instagram @jujuchanx . Other way's of communication are also available if needed. Thank you for your time!

lerie_mayopa @lerie_mayopa
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AOT Panel Members Needed!
lerie_mayopa @lerie_mayopa
I do Erwin Smith and I will gladly help with the panel if it doesn't run the same time as another panel I am in.

Jujuchanx @babylungsx
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AOT Panel Members Needed!
Jujuchanx @babylungsx
We would actually love t have you as out Erwin if you can make it. So far we know its on the Saturday. Do you have an instagram?

lerie_mayopa @lerie_mayopa
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AOT Panel Members Needed!
lerie_mayopa @lerie_mayopa
I do not have an instagram yet but I will probably make one tonight. Also depending on the time on Saturday I will see if I can be in your panel or not.

lerie_mayopa @lerie_mayopa
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AOT Panel Members Needed!
lerie_mayopa @lerie_mayopa
I was not able to make an instagram but I did make a twitter. I have some pictures of my Erwin cosplay on there and I am @lerie_mayopa on there.

KingLouis @chupacabracakes
commented on
AOT Panel Members Needed!
KingLouis @chupacabracakes
Hey If you're still looking for people, I was planning on doing Jean for this con.
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