AniMinneapolis: Tips?

silverelf12 @silverelf12
AniMinneapolis: Tips?
silverelf12 @silverelf12
Hi! I'm new to the convention/cosplaying scene, and I was wondering if anyone had tips or advice for a newbie like myself? I'm going to AniMinneapolis this year as either Canada or America from Hetalia.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
AniMinneapolis: Tips?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
I cannot tell you how important this without stressing the fact that you will learn after the first con. I heard this multiple times before my first, and let me tell you with all the excitement and amazing things a convention brings you tend to forget the important things while attending your first con.
This is where the term 'con plague' comes into play.
At conventions you spend 90% of your time walking/standing. And, in most cases, your costumes only help speed up the dehydration process. It is SO important that you drink lots of water at a con. Not soda. Not coffee. Not an energy drink. I'm talking water. Bring a few bottles or a reusable one. My philosophy is if you are walking, and you see a water station, take a quick drink. You don't need to down a glass every station, don't get me wrong. Simply help your body to a quick swig and move along.
This along with ACTUALLY eating at a con will drastically help reduce the risk of getting the con plague.
The other important factor I would like to offer my advise on is to be sure you get sleep. Chances are, if you are like most of us, you don't spend your entire day walking/standing, so your body is in for a little shock. Offer it some comfort in the form of sleep. It's recommend you get (at the very least!) 6 hours a night at con (Fri/Sat). Far too many people push there body hard and it's really not healthy. You may be used to staying up into the late hours of the night gaming/chatting/watching anime but at a con you have walked/stood almost all day. You have been active. And you don't want to sleep in to noon while at con.
Also, please shower. Daily. I'm talking Friday night, after you take your costume off, and Saturday night. Some people shower twice a day. But not showing at all at a con makes it rather unpleasant to be around you. Once you smell 'the con funk' you won't forget me.
Most of all have fun! Cosplaying and attending conventions is seriously one of the most exciting things I have ever done with me life! It's helped me to make lasting friendships, get out of my shell more, and experience/learn new things. We are a family, so if you ever need help at con don't be afraid to approach a cosplayer or staff for help!
I am dropping a personal invitation to you to check out the forums. Most of our members attend conventions like Minneapolis, Midwest, Acen, Matsuricon, and so on. We do online and offline events, and focus on being a family-style community.
Let me know if you have any more questions!
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