SU Cosplayers?

animes0ul @animes0ul
SU Cosplayers?
animes0ul @animes0ul
EDIT (5/22): I've posted in another thread about this and made a comment about it below in case people scroll past this, but this is now an unofficial event! Click the links below for more info/updates!
Unofficial Events page:
Facebook event page:
(Original post) *edited
Hey so this will be my first year at Midwest. I was wondering if there would be any Steven Universe cosplayers going this year? I know it's pretty popular right now. I would be Ruby and my friend would be my Sapphire. It would be cool to meet others cosplaying SU!!! I just hope the cosplayers aren't as crazy as 2010/2011 Homestuck cosplayers were (I know how they used to be/can be with some of the fans, being in that fandom myself).
(note: I'm not trying to smack talk homestuck there literally just used to be a bunch of rabid 13 y/o cosplayers a few years back who were wild and with some of the same age/younger age demographics with SU I'm concerned about more body paint catastrophes and young cosplayers running amok causing trouble. I know the HS fandom has calmed down)
Also here is a link to the discussion about scheduling a gathering if anyone is interested:

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
SU Cosplayers?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Not all Homestuck cosplayers are 'crazy'. I have meet some of the friendliest Homestuck cosplayers who were much better behaved then some fandoms.
The problem with that fandom is the generation gap. The younger generation has 'grown up' and either stayed with or moved on. The ones that stayed are helping the newer (younger) generation by educating them on sealing their paint, behaving appropriately, and so on. I just don't think it's right to label a fandom as 'Crazy'.
In regards to your original posts meaning however, I think you won't have any trouble finding cosplayers for SU (: This is very popular, much like undertale right now. If you want to host an unofficial meet-up you can check out the following list and submit one. It's a great way to make friends and meet up with other cosplayers from a fandom or with similar interest.
Anime Midwest is a wonderful convention. This will be my 4th year in a row going, please let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of help.

totallynotchainfire @totallynotchainfire
commented on
SU Cosplayers?
totallynotchainfire @totallynotchainfire
I will! :D I will be Cosplaying as Steven on one of the days! I'm hopeful there'll be a good bunch of SU cosplayers since, like you mentioned, it's pretty popular right now (plus none of my friends want to join me in cosplaying SU). There should totally be an SU meetup somewhere/sometime, it'll be awesome getting to meet others! I know the fandom has done some pretty crazy things but not all of the members are like that; I'm confident the SU cosplayers at AM will be great.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
SU Cosplayers?
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Most likely there will be a Saturday meet-up/photoshoot. Will it be official or unofficial I can't say, but if anything I would say one would happen on Saturday.
I am unsure if any members on the forums will be cosplaying from SU, but you could always join us and see if a group off the forums want's to go as SU cosplayers and do a photoshoot. Consider this a personal invitation from yours truly. We are mostly midwestern based cosplayers in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, and Missouri. Feel free to join us for online and offline events.

animes0ul @animes0ul
commented on
SU Cosplayers?
animes0ul @animes0ul
Ah, I didn't mean that all Homestucks were crazy! I just know in the past there have been problems with them. I'll have to check with my fellow SU cosplayer but if we figure out a date I'll definitely look into scheduling a meetup! Also @totallynotchainfire, if you know what day you and/or your friends will cosplay SU it would help me and my Sapphire figure out what day would be best! I am thinking saturday but my Sapphy mentioned that's a busy day and it might cause trouble with conflicting schedules but who knows.

queercosplay @queercosplay
commented on
SU Cosplayers?
queercosplay @queercosplay
I will ((most likely)) be cosplaying space mom Rose quartz. I would love to meet up! Also....I will be in a homestuck panel.

animes0ul @animes0ul
commented on
SU Cosplayers?
animes0ul @animes0ul
@queercosplay That would be cool! I'm trying to schedule a meetup in another part of the forum (here: ) if you're interested (even if you don't cosplay Rose and just would like to meet others or take pics!)
ALSO YES, I'M SORRY ABOUT THE HOMESTUCK THING. I didn't mean to sound rude, I just know that way back when Homestuck cosplayers were known for causing trouble and caused some cons to have rules against body paint. Since (im guessing) a lot of SU fans are within that age range, I was stating how I hope that the SU fandom didn't end up being the new 2010/2011-ish Homestuck fandom. I didn't mean to make it sound like the HS fandom is terrible. I'm not as into Homestuck as I used to be (though that might change with the end nearing) but I still love the webcomic and I was in no way trying to talk smack about it.

animes0ul @animes0ul
commented on
SU Cosplayers?
animes0ul @animes0ul
I don't know if anyone still checks this thread but I just wanted to announce it here too that there's now an unofficial SU Meetup scheduled! You can check the unofficial events page or the facebook events page for updates and info!
Unofficial events page:
Facebook events page:
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