Undertale Panel?

UPDATE AGAIN! We got a Monster Kid and Asriel, but lost our Chara! I also forgot to mention that we still need a Papyrus, along with Chara, Undyne, and Asgore! Cast so far: -Mettaton (me) -Toriel -Sans -Frisk -Temmie -Alphys -Monster Kid -Asriel
Do i need to email my contact info too?
I sent you an email with all you need to send me
Hello! I'm interested to go to Anime Midwest and maybe cosplay. I also wanted to join you because I don't have any cosplay friends to go with. Thank you for your time! :D
No problem! Who do you plan on cosplaying as for the panel?
I actually don't really know yet since this is my first time cosplaying. Do you have any suggestions on who I should cosplay? :)
Welcome to the community then! It all depends on who your favorite character is, your personality, the fandom it's from, and a lot more! If you email me, I can give you some tims! For the Undertale panel, we still need Undyne, Chara, Papyrus, and Asgore. I can give you some personality summaries of them, and you can see who fits best!
Okay Im going to email you so you can give me some tips. I will see who fits me the best.
Hi! Me and my cousin are being Frisk and Chara. I see that you have a Frisk already but, if there is a day that they wouldn't be able too go we could sub in.
Our Frisk will for sure be available, but we still need a Chara! If you could email me, that'd be great!
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