Undertale Panel?

vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
Undertale Panel?
vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
I was thinking about possibly submitting an Undertale panel! It would be an ask-a-character panel, and possibly some games and trivia. It'd probably be during the afternoon or early evening, due to time constraints. I'm working on a Mettaton EX cosplay, so that role is filled. If anyone wants to take part in it, just email me at vaatifan12@gmail.com

cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
commented on
Undertale Panel?
cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
Hi! This seems like an awesome idea, at what con do you think you could do the panel because I think I could participate as either Frisk or Chara

vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
commented on
Undertale Panel?
vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
It'd be at Anime Midwest.

cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
commented on
Undertale Panel?
cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
Oh great! Then I can participate as either Frisk or Chara but only on the 9th and the 10th, is that okay?

vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
commented on
Undertale Panel?
vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
Sure, I'll try to get it in for then!

cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
commented on
Undertale Panel?
cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
Okay great, just asking, which character would you prefer I come as? and what day you think it could be on?

vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
commented on
Undertale Panel?
vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
Honestly, whichever one you prefer. If a Frisk or Chara also asks to take part, then you can do the other one.

cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
commented on
Undertale Panel?
cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
Okay, then what day you think it could be on?

cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
commented on
Undertale Panel?
cosplayandmasks @cosplayandmasks
I decided i would come as Chara actually if its ok

vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
commented on
Undertale Panel?
vaatifan12 @vaatifan12
It'd probably be on Sunday since in past years the panels I go to are usually on Saturday, and it's totally fine if you go as Chara.
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