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Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
New to Anime Midwest? Click here!
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
This thread is a help thread for those new to Anime Midwest and who will be attending for the first time. I will be updating this section with some frequently asked questions about the con, staff, hotel, cosplay, resturaunts, and so on over the next few weeks.
If you have a question and don't see an answer feel free to leave a comment here and either I or another frequent Midwest attendee will try our bets to help answer it, or point you in the proper direction of contacting staff.
Let it be known I am not a staff member of, just a cosplaying dweeb who happens to love Anime Midwest and the staff at and who has way too much passion then is to be considered normal for all things Cosplay related.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Question: When can I pick up my badge if I pre-registered?
Answer: Badge pickup time is posted on the website as follows:
Thursday 5pm-7pm
Friday 10am-8pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 10am-2pm
The Thursday badge pick-up is available for those that pre-registered and for those looking to purchase a badge [Confirmed on 6/28/16]
Question: Can I only cosplay from an Anime at this con?
Answer: Absolutely not! This convention, like many others, are very welcoming of cosplays outside the anime realm. You are encouraged to come in cosplay from a variety of things, such as Gaming/KPop Idols/TV Shows/Cartoon Shows/Movie/and so on.
Question: Will my cosplay be allowed?
Answer: As long as it adheres to the cosplay guidelines you should not have an issue! You can find those on the official Anime Midwest website. Standard rules apply like: No real firearms permitted, and prop weapons must not look realistic or have an orange tip and be completely disabled of any projectile abilities.
Question: Are cosplays allowed to the Formal Ball? (Known this year as The Magic 8-Ball)
Answer: Yes, however formal attire must be used with said cosplay. An example might be: Cosplayer attending the Ball as Link from The Legend Of Zelda in a button down shirt and nice slacks.
When in doubt: Nice button down shirts, a vest, or suit permitted. Jeans, Shorts, Anything less not so much. Dress or skirt is okay! T-Shirt and Booty shorts are not. It's called formal for a reason.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Question: I am under 18. Which events will I be unable to attend while at AM?
Answer: The events posted on the official schedule will tell you if the event is 18+ or not. If it lists the event as (18+) then you will be denied entry into said event. These events typically take place in the evening, however they seem to be all over this year and the times vary.
Examples of some 18+ events this year are: DC Douglas After Dark (18+), Gone Rogue Burlesque Show (18+), The Cosplay Dating Game After Dark (18+), The YouTube Panel Demonstration (18+), and Pillow Talk With The Pillowcases (18+). Please take note that some of the videos played in the video room will also be 18+ and will be listed as such.
AM will have staff checking badges AND Id's at these events. Verification if the staff check both your badge and need to see your ID is not confirmed, but come prepared as such. They will most likely do both to prevent someone from using a friends badge to get into 18+ events.
Question: I am a parent of a child going to this con and I heard about another convention happening at the same time. Should I be worried?
Answer: No. The staff of Anime Midwest have said multiple times this will not be an issue, and they are working alongside the other convention to make things run smoothly for both. It is confirmed that AM will have it's own section in the convention center and the other convention it's own area of the convention center. Both will have staff to make sure attendees don't get mixed up, or allowed into the 'wrong' convention. And it was reassured that the other convention would be, for lack of a better term, tucked away so little eyes don't see things they shouldn't.
This does not mean you won't encounter those attending the other convention over the same weekend. Part of this other convention will be holding events in the Crowne Plaza as well, so if you are staying there you are bound to encounter some of the attendees. The end point here is there should not be any problems with the two conventions happening at once. It is not all that uncommon for conventions to take place on the same weekend and share space. The convention center is allowed to say yes to both parties.
At conventions your child will experience a whole new world (insert Aladen music here) and this is a good thing, however for some the idea is scary. I have had far too many great experience at this con and only a few minor issues with attendees. Hopefully this helped.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Question: Will this convention really have free food?
Answer: Yes! Anime midwest has what's called a con sweet, which is available to those attending who purchased a badge. The con sweet has been (for the last 3 years) in the Hyatt hotel.
Inside you will find free Soda, Water, and Ice Tea. They also have free cup ramen, oatmeal (various flavors), and rice. And it was announced they will do special items at random over the weekend, so you are encouraged to keep coming back and eat!
These items (not confirmed yet) may include: Nachos, Salsa and Chips.
Question: Is parking free?
Answer: No. You may find various parking fees depending on where you park. I know if you booked the room block in the Hyatt for con you get a special parking rate (last year it was $10 a night I believe).
In staying at the Embassy last year the parking garage was about $20-25 a night (x2 for Fri-Sat is $50 for one car). I have heard of various other places for cheaper, and even that someplace (must do a lot of walking) is free to park. Please comment rates you have encountered below so I can add those here to help others out (:
Question: How do I find meetups?
Answer: Most of the meetups take place either:
Outside the Hyatt under the overhang (directly outside to the left as you come out), across the street from the Hyatt at the loading docks, in the Convention Center lobby (not reccomended due to pre-reg lines!), or under the overhang of the convention center by the fountain.
You can find pictures of these places and a map here:
You can find out what the official meetups are by checking the official schedule at and looking to the right side of the schedule. The link for the unofficial events is, of course, unofficial meetups hosted by fans of fandoms.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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New to Anime Midwest? Click here!
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Saving to edit in some frequently asked questions later. Please stand by...
*Last slot.

infamous_otaku @infamous_otaku
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infamous_otaku @infamous_otaku
hey, this is my first con and I'm 16 years old, Im going with another friend whos the same age I was wondering what I would not be able to partake in. Would I be able to go to the raves? what can I not do?

animes0ul @animes0ul
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animes0ul @animes0ul
I was wondering, how long are the lines for registration? I feel like this has been answered somewhere but I can't remember for sure.
I pre-registered but my friend who was supposed to get a badge as a gift still hasn't had it paid for yet and might have to register at con. I noticed that they supposedly have limited badges too. Is it possible that my friend might not get in if she doesn't pre-register in the next few days?

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
First the lines length varies on the day, and time.
For example last year at AM on Friday the pre-reg pick up line picked up after 11am and stayed strong. On Saturday the lines was CRAZY! This was both for pre-reg pickup and those registering at the door for con. The reason? They have over 10,000 attendees last year and were either; A. Under staffed or B. Couldn't keep up with the demand.
When it comes to having pre-regged and picking up your badge you will get through a heck of a lot faster then those registering at the door. If your friend is registering at con the sooner they arrive and get in line the better. And if its Saturday expect to be in that line for joke.
I have not heard anything about limited number of badges available. And to my knowledge they won't turn someone away who wants to purchase a badge. If I hear otherwise I will post here.
So, the best timeframe idea I can give you (based off last year) is:
Pickup Friday: 20minutes to an hour depending on the time you arrive, how many staff are on pre-reg, so-on.
Registering Friday: 30minutes to 2 hours or more depending on the time you arrive, how many staff and how many registration lines are open, so-on.
Pickup Saturday: 45minutes to an hour (rough estimate)depending on the time you arrive, how many staff are on pre-reg, so-on.
Registering Saturday: 2-3 hours or more depending on the time you arrive, how many staff and how many registration lines are open, so-on.
Registering Sunday: 20 to 45 minutes or more depending on the time you arrive, how many staff and how many registration lines are open, so-on.
Hope this helped! I would hope that this year they will have more lanes. And Ryan did some stuff with the registration software to make getting your badge easy and fast! I read about having your License (assuming you have one, not confirmed for School ID's) scanned and your badge printing off right away for easy pickup.

animes0ul @animes0ul
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animes0ul @animes0ul
That does help! Thanks!

mrsplib @mrsplib
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mrsplib @mrsplib
Are all events in the Stephens Convention Center? Are badge pick ups in the Lobby of the Convention Center? We are staying in the Embassy Suites and would like to know if we need to go to the Hyatt or right to the Stephens Convention Center.
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