Cosplay Plans?

What are your upcoming cosplay plans?
Attending con for the first time next year. Decided on Sailor Pluto and maybe Eudial as a villain.
My first anime love was Full Metal Panic, and being an... *ahem* older gentleman, I thought I'd keep things credible and go as Commander Mardukas. :)
Planning to go as a character from Undertale, possibly Temmie :)
I and a friend are going as undertale temmies, otherwise I may do Alphys, and hetalia nations like Finland and Belgium.
Oh my goodness! Me too! I may go as Asriel or Mettaton, I would love to meet you! I don't know if they'll actually receive this message lol. @MylCreates
This will be my first time going to anime con and i am excited, so me and my friend are going as Lucy and he as Natsu.
Me and my niece are planning on cosplaying Frisk as well as Toriel from Undertale! Hope to see you guys there! :)
Wow! lot of Undertale Cosplays. The Con should have an Undertale meet up! I'm bringing back my Kagome cosplay, but I also have plans to do Genderbent Sebastian and hopefully Haruhi from Ouran Host Club
Feb 02, 16 at 6:08pm
This will be my first year at Midwest and I'm really excited!! My friend who's bringing me has been here once or twice before. I'm not 100% sure of cosplay plans but we are for sure going to try to go as Ruby (me) and Sapphire from Steven Universe. I'd like to also cosplay Undertale if I can get something done but if anything else I would probably bring back an old cosplay from Hetalia or something.
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