Undertale Panel?

I was thinking about possibly submitting an Undertale panel! It would be an ask-a-character panel, and possibly some games and trivia. It'd probably be during the afternoon or early evening, due to time constraints. I'm working on a Mettaton EX cosplay, so that role is filled. If anyone wants to take part in it, just email me at vaatifan12@gmail.com
Hi! This seems like an awesome idea, at what con do you think you could do the panel because I think I could participate as either Frisk or Chara
It'd be at Anime Midwest.
Oh great! Then I can participate as either Frisk or Chara but only on the 9th and the 10th, is that okay?
Sure, I'll try to get it in for then!
Okay great, just asking, which character would you prefer I come as? and what day you think it could be on?
Honestly, whichever one you prefer. If a Frisk or Chara also asks to take part, then you can do the other one.
Okay, then what day you think it could be on?
I decided i would come as Chara actually if its ok
It'd probably be on Sunday since in past years the panels I go to are usually on Saturday, and it's totally fine if you go as Chara.
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